Calendar 2020
CALENDAR for year 2020 is going to be printed. If you are interested, leave me a message. The price will be announced soon. Kalendár na...

Tutorial - Woman beauty
My tutorial written for 1x.com cca 1 year ago. Woman beauty Nikon D800, Nikkor 50mm f1/8 D, 1/60s, f/2.8, ISO400, ambient light ,cloudy...

FoTTofest 2015
Open air free photo exhibiion in Trnava, Slovakia. I was participating with my photos also.

Plavecké jasličky Žabka, part II
Plavecké jasličky Žabka, Nové Zámky

Plavecké jasličky Žabka - Underwater photos
Photos from underwater.

Short and nice trip in Tata, Hungary

My book
Today arrived my book from Netherland. It contain selection of my fine art nude photos from the last 5 years. If you are interested,...

Exhibition in Bratislava
Poster used for exhibiton in Bratislava.

My photo used in article
My photo was again used, but now in article on AFUK webpage here: http://www.afuk.cz/saty-robia-cloveka/

Some photos from trip in Toscana, Italy.